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Free consultation. Initial intake fee for services will be discussed with clinician.

Individual sessions start at $125/hr.

Sliding scale is available.


Mindful Healing and Wellness does not bill insurance for mental health services. You are free to contact your insurance provider to inquire about reimbursement for services.


It is recommended that you ask the following questions of your insurance provider:


  • Does my health insurance plan include mental health benefits?

  • Do I have a deductible? If so, what is the deductible and have I met it?

  • Does my plan limit how many sessions per calendar year I can have?

  • Do I need written approval from my primary care provider in order for my health insurance to pay for mental health benefits?


If you are unable to attend a scheduled session, please be sure to cancel at least 24 hours in advance or you may be charged the full rate of the session for late cancelation.


Cash and credit cards are the accepted method of payment at this time.

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